Community Linking Projects
If we could all digitize, index, and link the haystacks in our own backyard we could save so much time and have more accurate records available for those searching for the needles in that haystack halfway across the world. Think of the impact on the tree we could have if for one year every community made one of their haystacks available in 2023!
Let's adopt communities together! In a fast-paced and ever changing world, the need for compiling and preserving history is as crucial a need as ever for the upcoming generations. Traditionally we build family trees based on parent-child relationships.
The sentiment here is to facilitate the availability of genealogical, community trees across multiple generations that share common geographic areas. Making sure that all unrelated families that share a communal connection are remembered together.
Decide Who's participating
Project Leader
The one(s) who decided they want to get something organized
Those who work with the project director on a regular basis in order to recruit and train other volunteers
Those with time, energy and amazing skills to contribute to the project